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高中英语作文1500字:亲人之情:我的奶奶-My Granny

05-11 12:34:36   浏览次数:176  栏目:英语作文
标签:小学英语作文,英语作文范文,高考英语作文, 高中英语作文1500字:亲人之情:我的奶奶-My Granny,http://www.2xuewang.com
my granny
the one i love best is my granny. the one who loves me best is also my granny . she is so kind that everyone who knows her likes her very much. but i'm sorry to say that my dear granny got cancer.
it was a cold day, but my heart was even colder. i could not accept the fact that my granny got cancer. facts are facts. only an operation could help her. the doctor told us she was too weak to be operated on, but my granny insisted that she could stand it. so the doctors did the operation. after the operation, my granny could not sleep, or eat, or say a word because of the pain .
every one of my family felt sad. my granny noticed this, so she tried her best to nod and smile to us . we smiled back. every day, my granny said she felt better but actually the pain was still there. once, she said to me, “yangyang, my dear. i'll be all right.”
my granny was growing thinner and thinner, but she was still smiling. the smile gave us hope.
the other day , i went to the hospital to see my granny . she said , “spring is coming. though i'm in hospital, i can feel the warmth. yangyang i think i'll go home soon.”
how i hope she would be home soon!
本文虽用语简单,但写得娓娓动听,字里行间透露出对亲人的真情实感。这是因为作者用了一些修辞句法的缘故。例如,开头两句用的是回文(chiasmus)辞格;第二段和第四段第一句用的是层递(clima)辞格;第四段第一句后半部分用的是蝉联(anadiplosis)辞格等。,高中英语作文1500字:亲人之情:我的奶奶-My Granny
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