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No smoking, please!

12-26 13:49:13   浏览次数:269  栏目:高二英语教案
标签:高二英语教案模板,高中英语教案模板, No smoking, please!,http://www.2xuewang.com


1.Finish off the exercises left in this unit.

2.Review the language points in this unit.

Record After Teaching


The Design of the Writing On the Blackboard


1. 辨论
学生分组辨论, 一方为smokers, 一方为non-smokers, 谈谈对吸烟的不同看法。其他人做出评价,引导学生写出主要论点,得出结论。
2.Think about the following questions before you try to stop smoking. You may want to talk about your answers with your health care provider.
1). Why do you want to quit?
2). When you tried to quit in the past, what helped and what didn't?
3). What will be the most difficult situations for you after you quit? How will you plan to handle them?
4). Who can help you through the tough times? Your family? Friends? Health care provider?
5). What pleasures do you get from smoking? What ways can you still get pleasure if you quit?
3.Smoking is a custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs. What's your opinion.? Think about some people around you. Please explain or summarize some harm to them from medical science.

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