(Sarah is taking a taxi.)
W: Taxi! Taxi, please!
M: Good morning, Ma'am[1]. Where to?[2]
W: Beijing Railway Station, please. I need to catch[3] a 5:00 train.
M: It may be difficult, Ma'am.
W: I know. Please just do your best[4].
M: Ok, I will. We probably can still make it.If we don't stuck in a traffic jam[5].
W: 出租车!出租车!
M: 下午好,小姐。去哪儿?
W: 北京火车站。我要赶五点钟的火车。
M: 可能有点困难,小姐。
W: 我知道。请尽量吧。
M: 好吧,我会的。如果不堵车的话,我们应该可以赶到。
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