

12-26 13:46:28   浏览次数:383  栏目:幼儿园大班艺术教案
标签:幼儿园大班教案,幼儿园教案, 如何欣赏音乐故事《彼得与狼》(一),http://www.2xuewang.com


Characters Intruduction


Peter - Peter is the main character in this story. He is a little boy who lives in Russia right on the edge of a meadow. Peter is very curious about the meadow so he goes into the meadow, against his grandfather's will. Peter is represented by the strings in this musical piece.

Grandfather - Peter's grandfather warns Peter not to go into the meadow because there is a wolf that lives there and it is dangerous. Peter's grandfather is represented by the bassoons.

Bird - The bird is constantly flying away from and fighting with the cat and duck, in this story. The bird is represented by the flutes.

Duck - The duck fights with the bird and they make fun of each other in this story. The duck is represented by the oboes.

Cat - The cat tries to eat the bird in the story of Peter and the Wolf. The cat is represented by the clarinets.


tag: 如何  故事  音乐  彼得与狼  幼儿园大班艺术教案,幼儿园大班教案,幼儿园教案,幼儿教育 - 幼儿园教案 - 幼儿园大班教案 - 幼儿园大班艺术教案

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