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办公室故事—Break the Bank

10-21 14:00:27   浏览次数:634  栏目:办公英语
标签:办公英语口语,日常办公英语,办公英语词汇, 办公室故事—Break the Bank,http://www.2xuewang.com

    身处办公室的你,肯定会碰到许多有趣或无奈的故事,下面就请你读一篇有趣的办公室的故事 :

    One day at lunch, Helen said to her colleagues, "Yesterday was my birthday. I received a lot of presents from my family and friends. Among the presents, I like the pearl necklace that my boyfriend-Eric bought for me. It's very beautiful. I think he must have broken the bank to buy it for me."
     "Woo, is he fine now?" Sally, a girl from South Korea,asked.
    "Sure, he is very fine now."
    "Was he found by police in the bank?" Sally asked again.
    "No, how do you know he went to bank? And why do you ask whether he was found by police?" Helen asked.

    "Because you said that your boyfriend broke the bank to buy the necklace for you. So when he was breaking the bank, it's very dangerous and easy to be found by police." Sally replied.

    "No, I think you misunderstand the meaning of BREAKING THE BANK. It doesn't mean that someone robs of the bank. It means that someone spends all of his money on something." Nancy said.

    "Oh, I'm really sorry, Helen."

    "No problem."

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