

12-26 13:36:45   浏览次数:132  栏目:幼儿园中班其他教案
标签:幼儿园中班教案,幼儿园教案, 食物的教法(幼儿英语),http://www.2xuewang.com


step one:warm up.<Ten little indian>
Tell the student make a circle, and listen to the music,but when they hear indian, they should sit down quickly.
step two:presentation
1.tell them that today we are going to learn some food , put the cards behind back, show them the cards quicky, let them guess what it is.
2.show them all the cards and call them to repeat after teacher
3.hammer game.divide the Ss into two groups, Each team one student to play this game, put the cards on the floor, and say any word, then the two student should hit the card with the hamer, at the same time ,the should say the word for three times.
step three: Reinforcement
1..what is missing, call the Ss to close their eyes and the teacher should hide a picture, then call them open eyes and see which word is missing.
step four: closure
dance<Good bye>


tag: 幼儿英语  幼儿园中班其他教案,幼儿园中班教案,幼儿园教案,幼儿教育 - 幼儿园教案 - 幼儿园中班教案 - 幼儿园中班其他教案

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