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At the Post Office

12-26 13:23:57   浏览次数:489  栏目:办公英语
标签:办公英语口语,日常办公英语,办公英语词汇, At the Post Office,http://www.2xuewang.com

     Lisa: I need stamps to send eight post cards. How much are they?
    Clerk: Eight cents each. Anything else?
    Lisa: I also need ten fifteen-cent stamps....I want to send this package. Which window should I go to?
    Clerk: Go to the window marked "Parcel Post."
    Lisa: Thanks.....(At parcel post window) I want to send this package parcel post, registered.
    Clerk: What does it contain?
     Lisa : There are books and manuscripts.
    Clerk: Do you want it insured?
     Lisa : Yes, please, for thirty dollars.
     Clerk: That will be forty cents. Here are your stamps.
    Lisa: Thanks.(Lisa sticks the stamps on the package and gives it to the clerk.) I also need to buy some aerograms.

    Which window is that?

    Clerk: Go to window 9.(Lisa walks away.) Wait a second, miss.
     Lisa: Yes?
    Clerk: You forgot to put the return address on the package.
    Lisa: Oh, sorry. I'll put it on right now.
    Clerk: Now, here is your receipt.
    Lisa: Thanks. Is everything done?
    Clerk: Yes, miss. You may go to window 9 now.

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