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新目标七年级英语下册《Unit10 Where did you go on vocation?》第一课时教案

12-26 13:39:33   浏览次数:423  栏目:初一英语教案
标签:初一英语教案模板,初中英语教案模板, 新目标七年级英语下册《Unit10 Where did you go on vocation?》第一课时教案,http://www.2xuewang.com

Section A (第一课时)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


. Teaching aims:

1.Aims of language:   Where did you go on vacation?

                                     I did…

2.Aims of skills:  Let students talk about past events

Ⅱ. Teaching aids:    CAI, Records, tape

Ⅲ. Teaching procedures:

Step one

Warming up

Teacher’s talk

Students’ talk



1.Lead in the topic


I went to the movies yesterday.

Where did I go yesterday?




You went to the movies.


Present the new language forms



2.present the new languages on the blackboard.


(to s1) :Where did you go yesterday?

To s2,s3 and so on


(s1) : I + 动词过去式短语






3.practise the languages in pairs.


Please practise the questions and answer by yourselves in pairs.

(s1): where did you go yesterday?

(s2): I went to xinhua book shop.



4.open pair

Now I want some pairs to ask and answer in class

eg: (s1): where did you go yesterday?

(s2): I stayed at home.



Step two


Match  activities





1.Present the

pictures with many  past verb phrases.

Now please look at the pictures.  The children went to some places on their vacations. Please find out  where they went.

Students match the phrases with the pictures.



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,新目标七年级英语下册《Unit10 Where did you go on vocation?》第一课时教案
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