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一年级英语上学期Unit 8教案

12-26 13:45:35   浏览次数:646  栏目:一年级英语教案
标签:一年级英语教案模板,小学英语教案设计, 一年级英语上学期Unit 8教案,http://www.2xuewang.com
1.      Blow up a balloon and ask “What is this?” Hold up a toy bicycle and ask. Put a bicycle into palm and pretend hand is a swing. Ask the pupils to say the words: bicycle, balloon, slide, swing.

2.      Point to the picture of each vocabulary item and say the words with the pupils.

3.      Put up picture cards for “doll” and “ball” onto the wallchart. Say the words slowly and repeat with pupils.

4.      Ask pupils whether their parents take them to playgrounds.

Step two

1.      Draw pictures and put up the word card below each picture. Read the words with the pupils.

2.      Ask pupils to come up and choose the correct word card for each picture.

3.      Listen and ask the pupils to point to each picture as it is being read out.

4.      Ask pupils to come up and give each of them a toy bicycle, a balloon, a doll, a ball and picture cards of “slide, swing”. Let them point and say “This is a…”

5.      Ask them to find the students with the corresponding things or pictures.




Give a balloon. Ask them to tell what it is called in English.









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,一年级英语上学期Unit 8教案
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